contains a simulated dataset following the DGP1 in Sant'Anna
and Zhao (2020).
A data frame in "long" format with 1000 observations on the following and 8 variables:
unique identifier for each cross-sectional unit.
an indicator variable for post-treatment period (1 if post, 0 if pre treatment period).
outcome of interest
an indicator variable for treatment group. Equal to 1 if experience treatment in the post-treatment period; equal to 0 if never experience treatment.
Covariate z1 in Sant'Anna and Zhao(2020)
Covariate z2 in Sant'Anna and Zhao(2020)
Covariate z3 in Sant'Anna and Zhao(2020)
Covariate z4 in Sant'Anna and Zhao(2020)
Sant'Anna and Zhao (2020)
Sant'Anna, Pedro H. C. and Zhao, Jun. (2020), "Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 219 (1), pp. 101-122, doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.06.003